Thursday, June 10, 2010

Grandmother's Sofa Is Still Good

This is the piece I am working on now. Calvin's Mom had a wonderful Rowe sofa and ottoman that she left them. Audrey wasn't wild about the fabric, but wanted to keep Grandmother's sofa that was in great shape. Audrey and Calvin picked out a soft, dark blue denim, with bright green, yellow and bright blue check to use for the cording. Will post the "after" picture when I have finished. Hang on!!


  1. Gina,
    I LOVE the white matlasse, did I say LOVE?!!!! You did such a good job on that!
    It looks great! I bet it feels great too! Your work is great!

  2. I am so excited about my sofa getting a refreshing facelift!! Your work is the best I've ever seen, I am so thrilled you are working with us. The "sofa lives on" :)
