Tuesday, September 20, 2011

$15.00 Scratch to Nap Chair

This chair is in it's new home.  It has been there for a couple of months. I went over to it's new home tonight for a visit with my friend Lynn.
She loves this chair! She has already slept in it, lounged on it, had snacks and supper in it.
                                        She has fought the family for it....... for a nap.

                            It was so awesome in it's size...we chose not to add a     skirt...just take the sides down almost to the floor.   

Check out the before photo here of the arm...seems like a kitty decided to do some scratching here..... hence the "Scratch Chair".

 Now see the arm here....the kitties hard work....totally hidden.
 Slipcovers to the rescue!!

 I removed the attatched cushion.  It seems like the attatched cushions are always very mashed down and out of shape. I prefer detatched cushions.

 Now the cushion is loose and pretty.
In the shop before delivery.

Back view
Ohhhhh and what did the chair look like before??????......

This is how the chair and ottoman looked before and while it sat in my garage. It's story is awesome.... I found it on Craig's List for $15.00! I had my husband help me go and pick it up. He wondered who would buy it.  I was so happy and surprised to sell it to my friend so she could have an awesome, "Scratch to Nap Chair".
But shhhhhhh!!!!! don't tell her husband what the chair looks like underneath, he doesn't know and she is not telling! Tee Hee!!!


  1. You did a wonderful job on the sip cover. I bought a big old cheap chair also to make my first slip cover.

    1. How did it turn out. I really want to try but am scared of the piped arms.

    2. Stephanie....thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I love comments. when you get ready to do your slipcover...breathe deep and don't get frustrated! Let me know how it turns out!

  2. Looks wonderful, do you do consignment work? If not and I were going to try my ok high school home ec skills would you say its very difficult? The piping is what scares me.

    1. jeanie, Thanks for the comment! What do you mean by consignment work? Are you local to the Wilmington, NC area? If you will please email me at slipcoverchic@gmail.com and I will be happy to answer questions for you!!
